Terms & Conditions

When a text is submitted for translation, or any other service is requested as offered by Neville Stiles Language Associates, the Client enters into a binding agreement with Neville Stiles Language Associates and this includes the following terms and conditions of Service:

1. Definitions: Neville Stiles Language Associates will be referred hereafter as "The Company" and the purchaser shall be referred to hereafter as “The Client”. Any translation or any other linguistic and technical work or service undertaken or supplied by the Company will be referred to as “the project”.

2. Translations: The Company undertakes to supply high quality translations for information purposes and understanding only. The Client must inform the Company if the translation is required for publication.

3. Quotations: Initially the Client will receive a free quotation which will serve as a guide only. Once the document or text for translation has been received, the Company will provide the client with a formal written quotation. The cost of translation is based upon the number of words and complexity of the text in the source language. The Company reserves the right to make an additional charge to the quoted amount if the client makes any additional changes to the source text after commencement of translation.

4. Delivery: The Company shall make every effort to meet the completion date specified by the Client, but late delivery shall not under any circumstances be regarded as a breach of contract, nor shall it entitle the Client to withhold payment for work carried out.

5. Cancellation: Should the Client subsequently cancel any work, the cost of all completed work up to the cancellation date and all other losses incurred as a result of the cancellation shall remain payable to the Company.

6. Liability: The Company shall make every effort to provide high quality professional translations. Whilst the Company undertakes to supply highly accurate translations, it may be possible for differences of interpretation to occur. Therefore the Company will not be held liable for any losses incurred by an inaccuracy of translation unless the error is of a highly significant nature. In all instances the Company will only accept liability for the value of the cost of services as stated on the invoice.

7. Payments: All payments must be made within 15 days of the invoice date.

8. Copyright: The copyright of the translation will remain the property of the Company and will not be passed on to the Client until full payment for the translation has been received. The Client must warrant that it has obtained all necessary consents for the translation of texts where copyright exists.

9. Illegal Material: The Company reserves the right not to translate any material which may be considered illegal, libelous or offensive.

10. Governing Law: All contractual agreements between the Company and the Client shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of the United Kingdom under the jurisdiction of the UK Courts.

11.Force Majeure: The Company will not be held liable for failing to complete its contractual obligations due to circumstances occurring outside of the Company’s control.

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